Bonner, Hannah. When Fish Got Feet, Sharks Got Teeth, and Bugs Began to Swarm : A Cartoon Prehistory of Life Long Before Dinosaurs . Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2009. Chronologically the first of two books by Bonner, When Fish Got Feet... explores the rise of fish in the Silurian and Devonian periods with wonderful comics, cartoons and illustrations. She takes difficult material, such as the rise and fall of the very fish classes (Sharks! Acanthodians! Placoderms! Bony Fish!) and makes it accessible to a younger audience. Even as an adult I really enjoyed this book and it gave me some wonderful ideas on future things to learn about! Bonner, Hannah. When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and Tetrapods Stalked the Earth: A Cartoon Prehistory of Life Before Dinosaurs . Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2004. The second book chronologically, (though the first published) When Bugs Were Big takes a look at the Carboniferous and Permian periods. This ...
New day? New animal! Facts and pics from creatures of all shapes and sizes, all over the world.