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Showing posts from March, 2012


Xiphias gladius The three most interesting things that I learned while reading about Swordfish are that 1) they are the only living members of their entire family. 2) Their genus name actually is the Latin word for sword. Convenient! And finally, 3) they have the widest temperature tolerance of any fish. They can be found in waters that range from 41-80 degrees F (5-27C) Swordfish look a heck of a lot like Marlins and Sailfish, but they actually belong to two totally different families, though they are at least distantly related. They are a pelagic species that can be found in temperate and tropical ocean waters all around the world. They tend to migrate, moving into warmer waters in the winter and colder waters during the summer, but they also have that previously mentioned temperature tolerance, so they are able to survive at a variety of latitudes. The sword of a Swordfish can actually make up 1/3 of their entire body length. They use the bill to thrash about while ...


Helicoplacus Today's animal might just be the oldest creature I've ever talked about. It lived in the early Cambrian period around  525 million years ago! Helicoplacus  is the genus name for two species of absolutely ancient Echinoderm. They are the earliest Echinoderm fossils that have ever been studied, and the specimens are pretty well preserved for being half a billion years old! Helicoplacus species had skinny pine-cone shaped bodies that were vertically oriented and attached to the sea floor. They had very primitive respiratory systems, and there is dispute about where the mouth actually was. It is believed that the grooves that circled the bodies actually helped move food into a mouth , wherever it was placed. Members of the genus lived for around 15 million years before going extinct. Status :  Extinct for over 500 million years Location :   Fossils found in North America Size :  Length up to 2.8in (7cm) Classifi...

West Indian Manatee

Trichechus manatus As I write this there are four living Sirenian species in the world. Three are Manatees, and one is the Dugong . The order gets its name from the Sirens of Greek myth, and there are legends of sailors mistaking this giant aquatic mammals for mermaids ! The West Indian Manatee is one of the three living Manatees, with the African and the Amazonian being the other two. Though they live exclusively in the water like Whales do, they aren't closely related at all. Their nearest living relatives are actually the other members of the Afrotheria superorder- Elephants, Hyraxes, Sengis, and Aardvarks. The Manatees and Dugongs evolved from wading African herbivores millions of years ago. West Indian Manatee eating West Indian Manatees can be found in the Caribbean, as well as along the coast of Central and South America. They can live in both fresh and saltwater, and make their homes in rivers, estuaries, canals, and other coastal, slow-moving waters that give t...

Amazonian Giant Centipede

Scolopendra gigantea It may not be obvious from the picture, but today's animal is an absolutely massive Centipede. It can grow to be a foot long! Amazonian Giant Centipedes can be found in locations outside the Amazon- they live throughout northern South America, as well as on several different Caribbean Islands. These Centipedes have around 23 different red body segments, each with a pair of yellow-ish legs. They use all those legs to move about quickly, but also to hold on to their prey. And what, you may ask, does a Centipede this large eat? Well, they do munch on small insects, but they can also go after birds, mice, lizards, frogs, and even bats! Amazonian Giant Centipedes are venomous , and they use that toxin to subdue prey. The venom is even strong enough to do serious damage to humans, so watch out! Despite their toxicity, Amazonian Giant Centipedes are a welcome addition to farms and gardens, as they keep the damaging insect populations at bay with their vorac...

Lake Erie Water Snake

Nerodia sipedon insularum The Lake Erie Water Snake is actually a subspecies of the very common Northern Water Snake. While the species as a whole is found across the northern areas of the continent, the Lake Erie subspecies is confined to a very small area of land on that titular lake. This non-venomous subspecies is so remarkable because it was once rare and endangered. It was listed as a federally threatened animal in 1999, due to intentional killings and habitat loss. 20 years ago there were only about 1,200 adult snakes remaining! Lake Erie Water Snakes have now dramatically rebounded, thanks to habitat protection, community involvement, and a recovery plan. They were de-listed by the federal government in August 2011. One really great story behind the resurgence of the subspecies is that they help to curb the Round Goby population. The fish is an invasive species that has harmed the native populations. Lake Erie Water Snakes now consume t...

Aguascalientia Camels

Aguascalientia Jawbone Today we're going to talk about two very recently discovered animals, both from the same genus. Both also happen to be extinct, and have been for about 20 million years. Meet Aguascalientia panamaensis and Aguascalientia minuta , the two oldest creatures to be found in the country of Panama. They are extinct Camels, but are not the ancestors to modern camels or llamas. They actually belong to a separate evolutionary tree that dead-ended. The two species are very alike to one another. They sport snouts that are much longer than those in modern camels, and an overall much smaller height . That also have shorter teeth, which suggest that they were browsers. The genus that these Camels belonged to actually dates back more than 30 million years, but they lived further north. The Isthmus of Panama didn't even exist until about the time these two species lived, so the discovery sheds some light on animal movement through the newly ...

Wood Duck

Aix sponsa Wood Ducks are known as one of the prettiest of all the ducks, and in in my opinion is takes the top prize out of the North American species. They are found throughout the continent, with some populations remaining sedentary and some migrating between the north and south. If you're looking at the Wood Duck and thinking how similar it is tot he Mandarin Duck, you're definately on to something. Those are the only two living species that share the genus Aix ! As with many birds, only the male Wood Ducks posses the bright colors. They have iridescent green and purple crested heads, with additional bold patterning throughout the body. Females are grayish-brown, though they also sport a crest. During the breeding season Males will perform different diving and preening gestures to attract a mate. Once they are paired up they build nests in cavities or in man-made nest boxes. The rise of nest boxes may have c...

Walking Catfish

Clarias batrachus Today we're going to be learning about yet another animal that has entered the pet trade... but with some damaging results. Walking Catfish in their native environment aren't all that bad. They hail from Southeast Asia, and live in a variety of freshwater habitats. They can even be found in waters that other fish will not tolerate well, like canals, flooded areas, and even in brackish zones. The common name of this species come from the fact that they can "walk" across land. Their pectoral fins allow them to stay upright while they move outside of the water. The movement is far from graceful, but it does let the fish move between different bodies of water. Walking Catfish are omnivores, and use their barbels to hunt around for anything and everything. They are generalist feeders , consume plant matter, eggs, small fish, and invertebrates. The Catfish themselves are fished for food in their native range. Back in the 1960s, individuals in t...

Flemish Giant

Flemish Giant It was pointed out to me that this week has been a bit of an unofficial theme week- the last couple days have featured animals that are popular within the pet industry! Well, why not keep this inadvertent theme going? Let's talk about the Flemish Giant, one of my favorite breeds of Domestic Rabbit, which can grow to weights of over 20lbs! That is larger than some dog breeds! As the name suggests, Flemish Giants were developed in the region of Flanders. They are a very old breed, as far as modern rabbits are concerned, and were developed as far back as the early 16th century. There is some debate over the  origins of the breed before that time, and some think they may have descended from large South American breeds brought back to Europe by Dutch traders. The first confirmed records of the modern Flemish Giant breed date to the 1860s, and by the turn of the century breed clubs and standards were forming. These Rabbits were in...

Neon Tetra

Paracheirodon innesi Like yesterday's animal, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, today's creature is also popular within the pet industry. In fact, the Neon Tetra is one of the most commonly kept tropical fish out there. In the wild, these little guys can be found in tropical freshwater rivers of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. They are found in clear and blackwater areas, but not in whitewater, and are found in groups due to their  social , shoaling nature. Male and females Neon Tetras look identical, though the females sometimes have a slightly rounder shape, where the males are more straight and streamlined. Both sexes sport a shiny blue stripe that runs head to tail, as well as a bold red line that traces down the back half of the body. Though Neon Tetras hail from South America, most of the fish found in the Pet Trade are imported from Southeast Asian farms where they are bred in captivity. Many places advertise them as great beginner fish, there are still m...

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Cacatua galerita You may recognize today's animal, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, from their popularity in the pet industry and from their iconic looks. In the wild they hail from Australia and New Guinea, and in some places they are so numerous that they are actually considered pests! When you think of a Cockatoo, you probably envision this species- snowy white body, large yellow crest on the head, loud squawks and even the ability to mimic words! In captivity they have been taught numerous tricks, sounds, and behaviors. In the wild they are incredibly gregarious, and live in flocks that can number into the hundreds. They feed on fruits, grains, seeds, and the occasional insect. Their large flocks and feeding habits have caused damage to some  farm areas , but they are a protected bird in Australia, so removal can only be done with the required permits. Cockatoos Sulphur-crested Cockatoos breed at different times of the year, depending on the...

Wandering Violin Mantis

Gongylus gongylodes Today's animal is yet another one of the many suggestions that have been pouring in lately. Thanks everyone! Meet the Wandering Violin Mantis, also known as the Indian Rose Mantis and the Ornate Mantis. You can see where the "Ornate" name comes from. These Mantises sport very slender bodies, but huge  limbs that are very leafy in appearance and allow them to blend into the foliage. A useful trait when you hunt flying insects! Males are actually a bit smaller than the females, but they are able to fly , while the females have small, useless wings. Wandering Violin Mantises go through several moltings before reaching adulthood, and are sexually mature about two weeks after that. Females lay an egg mass called an  Ootheca . It contains up to 3 dozen eggs and has a protein casing that protects them. Wandering Violin Mantises are native to India and Sri Lanka, and require very warm environments to survive. The species is often kept ...

Crabeater Seal

Lobodon carcinophagus The Crabeater Seal is an incredibly abundant species that can be found throughout the Antarctic waters. It is estimated that there are literally millions, if not tens of millions of these guys swimming around, which is a huge contrast to some of the other Seals we've talked about that are on the brink of extinction. What makes Crabeater Seals so successful? Well, they have incredibly specialized teeth that allow them to strain out Krill and other small critters. (Interestingly, they don't eat crabs !) Those tiny crustaceans are very abundant in the Antarctic waters, giving the Seals a huge food source. They are able to dive down several hundred meters in search of prey, and can hold their breath for over 10 minutes. (Though dives are typically much shorter and more shallow) Crabeater Seals also have a pretty unique family group . Most seals mate, and then the male leaves and has nothing to do with the pup and female. Crabeater males hang around an...

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus The Pileated Woodpecker is a large Woodpecker, the largest in North America in fact. It also has a pretty substantial range that covers the forested, non-mountainous areas of the continent. You can identify the Pileated Woodpecker by its black body, red cap, and white bar that runs down the throat. The only difference between males and females is a red stripe that runs from the beak to the throat in males. They are similar in look to two other Woodpeckers that we have talked about here, the Ivory-Billed and Imperial , but those species have slightly different ranges, and are also extremely rare, if not extinct. The Pileated Woodpecker on the other hand, is very common. You can tell that a Pileated Woodpecker is in your area by their loud call and by the pattern that they leave behind in dead trees. Insects like ants and beetle larvae make up big chunks of their diet, and in order to get to these meals they drill large rectangular...

Irish Setter

Irish Setter Now, I don't always write about animals that correspond to holidays, but with all the cool critters that come out of Ireland, I couldn't really resist. Irish Setters are gorgeous red sporting dogs that were developed in Ireland during the 19th century. The term "Setter" actually first appears a few centuries earlier, but those dogs were more spaniel like. Modern Setters first appeared in the 1700s, and the characteristic redness of the Irish Setter popped up by the 1850s as an offshoot of the Red and White Setters. Setter Pointing Irish Setters are all purpose hunting dogs . They have great noses, great speed, and have the abilities to point, track, and retrieve. Keep in mind that that long silky coats of the Show dogs aren't usually present on the hunting dogs . Their hair is kept shorter in order to be more manageable in the field. To own an Irish Setter you had better have enough time and energy to give it proper exercise . They are...

Mountain Bluebird

Sialia currucoides (male) Spring has arrived (for now), and the songbirds have returned to my neck of the woods. Now, to be fair, today's bird doesn't live anywhere near me, but I'm sure they are fluttering around by some of my western readers. Allow me to introduce you to the Mountain Bluebird, the state bird of both Idaho and Nevada. Mountain Bluebirds come in different colors, depending on the sex of the bird. Females are a dull brownish-grey, with hints of light blue on the wings and tail. Males, on the other hand, are a very bright blue all around, with the underparts lighter than the top. They use their colors, their calls, and their carefully scouted nest locations , to attract mates. When it comes to nesting habits, most of what we know comes from the birds that raise their young in man-made nest boxes. Females do almost all of the actual nest building , as the males for some reason tend to drop the materials en route to the site (and that's if they eve...

Red Flour Beetle

Tribolium castaneum Today's animal is quite the pest; they are destructive as both larvae and adults, and though they originated in the Indo-Australian tropical regions, they can be found causing damage all around the world! One little interesting fact is that the Red Flour Beetle is very similar in size, appearance, and behavior to the Confused Flour Beetle from Africa. The latter actually got its name because the two species were so alike! Despite the name, Red Flour Beetles can be found in more than just flour. They hang out in cereals, nuts, seeds, and all sorts of other dried food products. They don't cause structural damage, and they don't have stingers that harm people, but they can have a huge negative impact on stored food. The Beetles even lay their eggs in food, the larvae eat the food, and the adults can live as long as 3 years . Red Flour Beetles are very small, and very hardy. This makes it difficult to truly get rid of them. You have to compl...

Merino Sheep

Merino Sheep Meet the Merino! This domesticated breed of sheep is known for its fine, high quality wool... but it has a lot of other cool characteristics as well, including a history that takes back over a thousand years, as well as a strong presence in the study of livestock genetics. But first, let's go over some basic facts. Merino sheep are bred almost exclusively for their wool, and that wool is considered to be the finest in the world . It is so desirable that it is actually the wool that all other wool is compared to, as far as grading goes! The breed is also quite hardy and adapts very well to different climates and habitats. For example, they originated in Spain and North Africa, but are now being bred all over the world, including in Australia, Germany, and New England. The very first Merino ancestors came through North Africa via Asia thanks to the Phonecians. When the Moors entered Spain in the 8th century they broug...

Amazon River Dolphin

The Amazon River Dolphin is one of the four (possibly five) species of freshwater Dolphin found in the world. They live in the Amazon basin and go by a handful of other names, including Boto and Boutu . Inia geoffrensis "Pink Dolphin" is yet another name for the species, due to the coloration that many of the individuals exhibit. The precise cause of the pinkness is not known, but Dolphins in murkier water tend to be more pink than those in clearer areas. Some are even as bright as flamingos! Amazon River Dolphins differ from other freshwater Dolphins in that they have unfused neck vertebrae. This trait allows them to turn their heads from side to side and give them extra maneuverability. They can also paddle their fins in different directions, which gives them the ability to move around submerged tree roots and through very shallow spots when the rivers flood over areas that are normally above water. The social structure of the species is dependent on the tim...

Humboldt Penguin

Humboldt Penguin at the Milwaukee County Zoo  The Humboldt Penguin shares its namesake with a Squid, a Skunk, a Dolphin, several plants, a handful of geological features, a few cities and counties, and more parks than I can even quantify (I have actually lived within in mile or so of two Humboldt Parks in two different states... weird). The Mr. Humboldt in question is Alexander von Humboldt , a late 18th-early19th century German naturalist and explorer who traveled extensively throughout South and Central America from 1799-1804. But his entire biography is something to perhaps be covered another day (Theme Week: Famous naturalists perhaps?) Humboldt Penguins are a relatively warm weather species. They live off of the coasts of Peru and Chile (and are sometimes referred to as "Peruvian Penguins." They can be identified by the black band of feathers that run across the chest, and the splotchy pink skin patches on the face. Like all Penguins they ha...

Common Brushtail Possum

Trichosurus vulpecula The Common Brushtail Possum is a species of Marsupial found in Australia. As the name probably suggests, they are a common animal, and have the largest range and most abundant population of any Australian Marsupial. The Brushtails do in fact have very bushy tails, though the underside had a naked patch. This is because the Possum's tail is prehensile, and that patch allows them to grip things better. They feed on a variety of plants, including fruits and Eucalyptus, and have also been known to eat the occasional animal. The species is also nocturnal, meaning that they need to find dark places to sleep in during the daytime- possibly even inside a house roof ! Common Brushtail Possums are arboreal creatures, and are excellent climbers. The females even have front-facing pouches for their offspring, in part so that they don't lose them. Some other marsupials, especially those that dig, have backwards facing pouches to keep dirt and debris away from ...

American Kestrel

Falco sparverius The American Kestrel (another suggestion from a reader, yay!) is the smallest Falcon in North America. For a comparison to other Birds of Prey, their maximum body length is around half that of a Red-Tailed Hawk, and less than 1/3 the length of a Bald Eagle. Unfortunately, their small size means that they can become prey for these larger cousins, as well for other large birds like Crows and Ravens. American Kestrels live in both North and South America. Some populations live year round (in the warmer climates) while others migrate seasonally. They prefer to live in open grassland areas that have a sparse smattering of trees. They've also taken to man made habitats as well, and can be seen in suburbs and around sports stadiums . (The bright lights attract the insects that the Kestrels love to munch on!) Interestingly, another name for the American Kestrel is the Sparrow-Hawk. But they don't really eat too many Sparrows. It is true that they will...

Lilac-breasted Roller

Coracias caudatus Today's animal was recommended to me on the Suggestions page, and I'm so glad it was! What a beautiful bird! (Hint: I love getting suggestions!) Lilac-breasted Rollers belong to the same genus as the Blue-bellied Rollers that we learned about last month. They also share a very similar range , spanning across sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. They inhabit open woodlands, grasslands, and acacia country, and are typically a sedentary species. All Rollers are named for their stunning courtship flights, and the Lilac-breasted is no exception! The males quickly fly to a height of around 10m, and then dive with closed wings in a rocking, rolling motion. I hunted around for a video of this, but came up empty. Any leads? At any rate, if the male is impressive enough he has found himself a mate. Lilac-breasted Rollers are monogamous and typically live in pairs, though small flocks are also seen. They lay 2-4 eggs at a time in ne...


Hey friends! I've hopped on the Pinterest Bandwagon... though I've actually been on it for ages with a personal account... Anyway, Check out the Animal A Day Pinterest boards. I'll be adding lots of cool animal pictures and videos- from the super cute, to the really weird, and the totally awesome.


Haikouichthys Haikouichthys is quite a mouthful to say for such a tiny creature. (High-Koo-ICK-Thisss!) These prehistoric swimmers measured only about an inch long, and lived way back in the Early Cambrian around 530 million years ago! Haikouichthys is one of the many, many animals that evolved during the Cambrian . This period, which lasted from 542-488 million years ago, saw rapid and diverse evolution and population growth. What makes this particular animal so interesting is that it could be considered one of the very first fish. They had skulls, designating them as some of the earliest craniates. However, the fossil record is unclear as to whether they had actual spines, or just primitive notochords . Spine or not, Haikouichthys demonstrated several other traits that can be found in modern fish. They had relatively fish like shapes, complete with two eyes and a mouth at the front of their heads, fines, and bilateral symmetry. Status : Lived 5...


Thalassomedon hanningtoni Thalassomedon is one crazy looking sea reptile! These members of the Plesiosaur order lived 95 million years ago and have necks that make up half of their overall body length and contain 62 vertebrae ! Thalassomdeon means "Sea Lord," and while they weren't the most frightening creature of the late Cretaceous (I'm looking at you Mosasaur) they certainly looked to be great ambush hunters. The eyes of the Thalassomedon were very large and were located on the tops of their heads. They used those large eyes and long skinny necks to ambush schools of fish that were swimming above them. Interestingly, it is unlikely that the Thalassomedon could stick its head far above water; air does not support the weight the same way that water does. Status :  Extinct for 95 million years Location :   North America Size :  Body Length around 40ft (12m) Classification :  Phylum : Chordata -- Class : Reptilia -- Order : †Plesiosauria Fami...

African Wildcat

Felis silvestris lybica Most people understand that dogs were domesticated from Grey Wolves, but the ancestry of the domestic cat isn't as widely known. Enter the African Wildcat, a Wildcat subspecies that is responsible for all of the housecats we have today! There are several different Wildcats around the world, spanning across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Though they are all genetically similar, and they all look a heck of a lot like domesticated cats , it is one particular African subspecies ( F. s. lybica ) that ended up being domesticated by Middle Eastern civilizations around 10,000 years ago . African Wildcats live throughout the African continent, as well as on the Arabian Peninsula and near the Caspian Sea. There are actually over a dozen subspecies on the continent aside from the domestic ancestor. They live in most habitats, including deserts, forests, and savannas. The African Wildcat is, unsurprisingly, a carnivore. They hunt by pouncing, and go afte...

Gaboon Viper

Bitis gabonica The Gaboon Viper of Sub-Saharan Africa has a couple of important distinctions. Is has the highest venom yield among its family members, the longest fangs (up to 2in!), and the largest weight. Gaboon Vipers hunt at night in forested areas. Their scale patterning makes for excellent camouflage among the leaves. They hunt small mammals, birds, and amphibians by waiting quietly and then ambushing with their deadly fangs and venom. Female Gaboon Vipers only breed once every 2-3 years, but when they do they can have as many as 60 offspring at once! And these are not eggs, the young snakes enter the world via live birth! One interesting fact I found is that these snakes are rarely bred by zoos. There is so much breeding going on in the pet industry that zoos and aquariums are asked to take in confiscated animals . Yes, some people actually do keep these venomous snakes as pets! A man who lives in my county was bit by one of his  Gaboon Vipers...

Pygmy Hog

Porcula salvania Meet the Pygmy Hog, a tiny little pig found only in Assam, India. They are the smallest members of the pig family. Pygmy Hogs are now a critically endangered species, and it is estimated that there are only 150 left in the wild. Pygmy Hogs have had a confusing taxonomic history. They were first described back in 1847, and were placed into a brand new genus. But then it was decided that they were actually closely related to the European Wild Boars, and were moved into the genus Sus , which contains several extant species. It wasn't until 2007 that genetic testing confirmed that the original taxonomic placement was correct. Pygmy Hogs live in areas with tall grasses, which they use to build small sleeping nests while they wander about for food (roots, grasses, insects). Females even build little nests in which to give birth! Once born, the infant hogs will stay hidden in these nests for about a week. Though the species is Critically Endangered, there...

Golden Parakeet

Guaruba guarouba The Golden Parakeet is a gorgeous yellow Parrot with dark green flight feathers. These vibrant birds are endemic to Brazil , and live in only a handful of regions. There is little definitively information about the wild Golden Parakeets, as they are rare and have only recently been the subject of scientific study. We do know that fruits, seeds, and nuts make up most of their diets. They also seem to live in small flocks, and breed during the December-April wet season. Nests are sometimes communal, meaning that multiple females will lay eggs within the same nest. When the chicks hatch, all of the flock adults help to care for the young. Sadly, Golden Parakeets are becoming incredibly rare in the wild, and are now listed as Endangered . It is estimated that there less than 2,500 left in the wild, and that number continues to drop. Deforestation has been a major contributor to their decline; the construction of roads and dams has drastically altered the...


Odontochelys semitestacea Odontochelys is an extinct animal that was only just recently discovered (2008). It is pretty darn remarkable find, and represents the earliest Turtle that we know about.. it dates back to the Early Triassic over 220 million years ago! Odontochelys is a transitional reptile . It shares many characteristics with modern turtles, but also demonstrates traits found in earlier reptiles. It has a plastron, which is the under part of a turtle's shell, but it has no carapace! It also has a turtle-like beak, but there are teeth inside it! The find is helping scientists figure out how turtles evolved . The previous-oldest-fossil already had a carapace, so discovering a species without one gives clues as to where the shell actually came from. One theory is that shells came from the fusion of osteoderms, which are bony plates of armor in the skin. But Odontochelys has no osteoderms, yet it still has a plastron. The other theory, which is now looking better, ...


Dingoes Today is the 5th birthday of my parents' dog. Not bad for a little guy who almost died of an auto-immune disorder a few years ago. Did you know dogs can have blood transfusions? Well, you do now! Anyway, we have no idea what that dog is. He's medium sized and orange with a weird husky-like tail. We've just always called him a Dingo. So today, for his birthday, we're going to learn about the actual Dingoes of Australia. The subspecies  Canis lupus dingo  actually refers to more than just Australian Dingoes. New Guinea Singing Dogs, Thai Dogs, along with a handful of other types are also classified under that subspecies. But today let's stick to just the Dingoes. Dingoes first arrived in Australia from Asia around 4,000 years ago . Because there was still a significant amount of water to cross to get there, it is believed that the original Aborigines brought the semi-domesticated dogs with th...